The GPSC is partnering with the SGP to host a webinar series for new-to-practice GPs about billing GPSC incentive fees in its continued efforts to support GPs to bill GPSC fees.
Inspired by the Vancouver Division’s offering and based on physician feedback, the three-part series will be available to physicians who are new to practice. For this series, a new-to-practice GP is:
- a recent graduate (first five years post residency), or
- new to BC (first five years), or
- a Practice Ready Assessment doctor who is an International Medical Graduate (IMG), provisionally licensed to practice (without completing a residency in BC).
Led by physician educators, each 90-minute webinar will be cumulative and content-specific. Here are the details about each webinar:
1. Introduction to MSP: Tuesday January 15, 2019 at 6pm | Register
- Basic visit (00100 series)
- Complete physical (00101)
- Counseling (00120)
- House calls
- WorkSafe BC and ICBC visits
2. Basic GPSC Billing: Tuesday February 19, 2019 at 6pm | Register
- GPSC Portal (entry codes 14070, 14071)
- Chronic Disease Management (14050,14051, 14052, 14053)
- Telephone calls, advice to allied provider and case conferencing (14076, 14077, 14078, 13005, 14018,14019)
- Prevention (14066)
- Planning fees (14063, 14043, and 14044, 14045, 14046, 14047, 14048 that are linked to 14043)
- Counselling 00120 in the context of the mental health planning fee (14043)
3. Advanced GPSC Billing: Tuesday March 12, 2019 at 6pm | Register
- GPSC portal (14070, 14071, 14029, 14077, 14076)
- Complex care (14033, 14075)
- Chronic disease management in the context of 14029
- Review of telephone calls, advice to allied provider and case conferencing (14076, 14077, 14078, 13005, 14018,14019) to ensure clarity on the differences between:
- GP communication with a patient (14076, G14078)
- GP communication about a patient (14077, 14018)
- GP Advice incentives about a patient (13005, 14019)
Space is limited.
For more information, contact