Long-term Care

Updated March 4, 2024

Important update: In July 2024, in alignment with the incorporation of long-term care services in the LFP Payment Model (login required), the current LTCI (Long-Term Care Initiative) funding ($400 per year per LTCI bed) will be reallocated within the initiative to the following payments:

  • FPSC Long-term Care On-Call/Availability Fundingadministered by divisions
  • FPSC Quality Improvement (QI)/Administration Funding for LTCIadministered by divisions
  • FPSC LTCI Payment for FPs (family physicians) not eligible for the LFP Payment Modeldirect payments to family physicians

The final payment based on the current LTCI funding formula will be released to participating divisions in June 2024. Application and administration information related to the new LTCI payments will be shared in the coming months.

Since 2015, the Family Practice Services Committee (FPSC) has provided approximately $12-million annually through the LTCI to support family physicians who deliver long-term care.

Divisions of family practice receive funding to organize and coordinate family physician MRP (Most Responsible Physician) services to patients in long-term care facilities through the LTCI. 

The LTCI is designed to support physicians to develop local, scalable, and sustainable solutions that target meeting the following five best practice expectations and three system-level outcomes:

Best Practice Expectations

  • 24/7 availability and on-site attendance when required
  • Proactive visits to residents
  • Meaningful medication reviews
  • Completed documentation
  • Attendance at case conferences

System-Level Outcomes

  • Reduced unnecessary or inappropriate hospital transfers
  • Improved patient/provider experience
  • Reduced cost/patient as a result of a higher quality of care

For long-term care specific billing support for fee-for-service physicians, please visit BC Family Doctors (login required) for up-to-date billing information/fee codes.

More information:

For questions or details on available resources, contact: fpscltci@doctorsofbc.ca.