Celebrating BC Family Doctor Day: A message from the FPSC Co-Chairs

May 17, 2024

May 19 is World and BC Family Doctors Day, and we gratefully acknowledge and celebrate the work of our family doctors, both locally and around the world.

Thank you for your incredible contributions to primary care, your compassion and strength, and your unwavering commitment and dedication to your patients in this time of constant change and transformation.

We recognize you are continually going above and beyond to care for your patients and their families, ensuring they get the right care in the right place. Your work is helping us to build a stronger, more comprehensive, and accessible healthcare system and for that we are deeply grateful.

Thank you for everything you do—not only on this day but every day. We appreciate all your effort, and we will continue to support you to do your incredibly important work.

Today, we celebrate you.

In the May 2024 FPSC Update newsletter, you'll read about:

  • Family physician Dr Leo Dai, who has recruited more doctors and expanded cross-coverage and same-day appointments for patients, thanks to the LFP Payment Model.
  • How FPSC’s Practice Support Program can help you update your panel in the Provincial Attachment System, plus the benefits of quality improvements projects.
  • A Rural Pre-Medicine (RPM) program, which started in the Kootenays 10 years ago to bring more doctors to rural communities, and is a successful launchpad for health professionals.


Dr Sari Cooper
Co-chair, Family Practice Services Committee
Doctors of BC

Ted Patterson
Co-chair, Family Practice Services Committee
Ministry of Health