FPSC funding changes for inpatient and long-term care

Mar 5, 2024

Updated July 19, 2024

The Family Practice Services Committee (FPSC) is evolving its funding supports for inpatient and long-term care to align with the LFP Payment Model, which will include these services in June 2024.

For the divisions of family practice and physicians, the changes will mean:

  • New and ongoing funding (via the LFP Payment Model) for clinical services. Divisions will no longer be required to rely on annual FPSC funding announcements to support critical clinical services in their communities.

  • Enhanced role of divisions in supporting physician networks, such as call groups for inpatient and long-term care.

  • Division autonomy in how funds are spent while ensuring equity throughout the province.

  • Support for divisions to transition their inpatient and long-term care programs from current funding structures to a new payment model.

Visit the Doctors of BC website (login required) for the LFP Payment Model inpatient calculator, and the BC Family Doctors website (login required) for the simplified fee guide, FAQs, and additional useful tools. 

For more information, please see:

What’s new?

In July 2024, FPSC will introduce the following funding programs to support family physicians long-term care.

Long-Term Care

FPSC On-Call/Availability Funding for Long-Term Care – Each division will receive an annual amount of $130,000 + $80 per LTCI (Long-Term Care Initiative) bed. The divisions of family practice will administer this funding.

FPSC LTCI Payment for family physicians not eligible for LFP Payment Model – Fee-for-service family physicians participating in LTCI and who are not eligible for the LFP Payment Model will be able to claim $290 per year per long-term care bed, up to a maximum annual amount, for which they are the most responsible provider (MRP). Payment will be paid directly to eligible physicians.

What’s changing?

To support the new funding programs, FPSC is reallocating funding from the following FPSC programs.

Long-Term Care

Long-Term Care Initiative (LTCI) – $400 per year per LTCI bed administered by divisions of family practice. Divisions will receive the final payment in June 2024.

What remains the same?

Long-Term Care

FPSC LTCI QI (Quality Improvement)/Administration Funding – Local long-term care QI activities currently funded by LTCI will continue to receive financial support.

Role of the divisions of family practice

The divisions of family practice have a key role in helping us understand and address local challenges and gaps in care, supporting physician practices, and influencing primary care delivery in their own communities. The divisions also have an important role in supporting the changes coming with the expansion of this payment model. Divisions will be responsible for administering the new on-call/availability payments and supporting physicians in organizing call groups. Divisions will still do what they do best: Amplifying the voices of physicians in communities, understanding community needs, and working with FPSC to address them. FPSC will continue to fund the divisions of family practice to support their activities in recruitment and retention, supporting physician practices and physician networks, and system and quality improvement work.