The Doctors of BC Joint Clinical Committees (JCCs) Department, led by Joanna Richards, Executive Vice President, has evolved its staffing structure to more closely reflect the structure of the three JCCs: Family Practice Services Committee (FPSC), Specialist Services Committee (SSC) and Shared Care Committee (SCC).
This evolution supports the Doctors of BC Strategic Plan 2024-2029 and reflects the direction provided to the JCCs in the Physician Master Agreement and through the Physician Services Committee. The new structure will help simplify our lines of work and create opportunities for alignment across committees to better support physicians.
Within this evolved structure, the FPSC team, led by Angie Chan, Vice President, will serve the mandate of the committee and remain adaptable for the future, while continuing to support and enable family physicians, divisions and family practice, and partners as you lead system transformation in your communities, regions, and across the province.
The FPSC team is comprised of four teams:
- FPSC Partnerships & Collaboration. Director: Nikita Soares
- FPSC Practice Transformation. Director: Jennifer May
- FPSC Provincial Payment & Innovation. Director: Jillian Wong
- FPSC Analytics and Portfolio Support. Manager: Andrew Leyland
For the divisions of family practice, your FPSC Primary Care Transformation Partner continues to be your key point of contact for enquiries and support; they can connect you with other FPSC and Doctors of BC teams as needed.
FPSC Partnerships & Collaboration
Director, Partnerships & Collaboration: Nikita Soares
The FPSC Partnerships & Collaboration team is the staff team primarily responsible for supporting the divisions of family practice initiative. The team is comprised of three sub-teams:
- Provincial Divisions Initiative: Supports the organizational development and operations of divisions of family practice to enable their success. This includes designing and administering FPSC funding streams and associated reporting requirements, supporting physician leadership development, and facilitating opportunities for knowledge exchange between divisions.
- Provincial PCN Initiative: Supports the development of new policies and initiatives related to planning and implementing Primary Care Networks, working closely with the Ministry of Health. The team also enables sharing and learning between PCNs, as well as between PCNs and provincial partners, including the FPSC, Doctors of BC and Ministry of Health, in alignment with the FPSC PCN Knowledge Exchange Strategy.
- Partnerships & Divisions Supports: Provides relational supports and resources that enable divisions to fulfill their purpose, as well as enable physicians, divisions, health authorities, Indigenous, and other primary care partners to work together on primary care transformation initiatives and activities.
The FPSC Primary Care Transformation Partners (PCTPs) are part of the Partnerships & Collaboration team and continue to be the key point of contact for division enquiries and support. The PCTPs can connect divisions with other FPSC and Doctors of BC teams as needed. To contact the FPSC Partnerships & Collaboration team, email your FPSC Primary Care Transformation Partner or email
Practice Transformation
Director, FPSC Practice Transformation: Jennifer May
The FPSC Practice Transformation team offers programs and initiatives that meet the everyday practice needs of physicians and their teams throughout BC to support improvements in patient care. Home of two of FPSC’s flagship programs, the Practice Support Program (PSP) and the Doctors Technology Office (DTO), the Practice Transformation team is comprised of four sub-teams focused on the key pillars of a high-functioning primary care system—team-based care, technology, and quality improvement:
- Practice Support Service Delivery and Program Operations (Team-Based Care): Helps practice teams to identify, implement, and maintain practice improvements related to delivery of team-based care. This may include establishing workflows and communication pathways, developing team structures and clarifying roles.
- Practice Support Service Delivery and Program Operations (Health Technology): Provides a comprehensive suite of practice supports and services that enable family practice clinics to meet the attributes of a Patient Medical Home. This may include helping family doctors understand who their patients are provide proactive and preventative care, streamline processes by using their EMR and other health technology tools more effectively, and prepare for IT-enabled system change.
- Practice Support Service Delivery and Program Operations (Quality Improvement x2): Supports teams within family practice clinics to identify, implement, and maintain practice improvements using the practice facilitation approach (model of improvement). This may include establishing workflows to support proactive patient care, understanding the patient experience (Patient Experience Tool) and embedding best practices into key clinical and practice areas (Learning Opportunities), all in the spirit of evolving primary care clinics into Patient Medical Homes.
To contact the FPSC Practice Transformation team email
FPSC Provincial Payments & Innovation
Director, Provincial Payments & Innovation: Jillian Wong
The FPSC Provincial Payments & Innovation team continues to be comprised of three sub-teams:
- Physician Payments: Works at the policy and implementation levels to develop and administer new family physician payments to address compensation gaps, enable clinical service delivery, and support changes to physician practice.
- Billing Education & Support: Provides direct billing support to physicians and their clinic staff, develops and delivers billing education on FPSC fees and LFP Payment Model billing codes, creates billing resources, and supports improvement of payments.
- Provincial Programs: Designs, pilots, and spreads provincial family physician programs that aim to support groups of doctors working together to provide coverage and high-quality care, specifically for after-hours primary care, locums coverage, and Long-Term Care on-call coverage and clinical best practices.
To contact the FPSC Provincial Payments & Innovation team email
FPSC Analytics & Portfolio Support
Manager, Analytics & Portfolio Support: Andrew Leyland
This team provides support to FPSC staff team in the areas of project management, analytics, reporting and measurement. The scope of the work includes FPSC program evaluations, ad-hoc evaluation support, workplan measurement and reporting. This group also provides advice to provincial primary care evaluation groups.