Learn more about CareConnect (Provincial eHealth Viewer), BC’s electronic health record that enables health care providers to access key patient information all in one place on: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 12pm-1pm Register here (no cost). Open to community-based physicians and specialists, the session will include:
The Measurement System for Physician Quality Improvement (MSPQI) Primary Care Measure Working Group is looking to fill a vacancy for one of the four family doctor members of their group. The GPSC is looking for expressions of interest from family doctors currently active in longitudinal community practice to fill this vacancy. It is very important that there is robust, relevant clinical leadership for this work. The group is made up of representatives from the Ministry of Health, Doctors of BC, and health authorities.
The BC Ministry of Health released a 2021-22 influenza immunization planning update and a vaccine distribution Q&A. Last year, 1.5 million influenza vaccine doses were administered amid the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Physicians, other primary care providers and pharmacists were instrumental in the administration of these doses.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been felt across the world. Throughout its challenges and tragedies, the pandemic has also been a catalyst for positive effects. For one clinic in a small town on Vancouver Island, the pandemic sparked the transformation in how it delivers care to its patients. “Before COVID-19, my clinic was not offering any form of virtual care. All visits were in person,” tells Dr Ashraf El Karsh, a family physician in Qualicum Beach. “The pandemic changed everything, and we had to change as well –and move quickly.”
Family doctors who have completed panel management are eligible for a new $1,000 GPSC payment if they enrol in HDC Discover and complete the orientation in the web based application. The payment supports family doctors to utilize the application to make data-informed quality improvements in their practices. HDC Discover is a is a physician-led web based application that supports quality improvement in primary care.