
March 02, 2021

BC is embarking on a provincial vaccination campaign that will be larger and more complex than anything BC has ever done before.  A few weeks before announcing the details of the public vaccination campaign, the doctor leading the provincial roll-out, Dr Penny Ballem, spoke to physicians, government, and health authority partners at a GPSC workshop. The key question on everyone’s mind was: How can primary care assist, support, and contribute to the success of the vaccination campaign?  Dr Ballem’s response:  “We need you.

February 23, 2021

British Columbians aged 80 and over and Indigenous seniors aged 65 and over are expected to start receiving vaccines in March as part of Phase 2 of BC’s vaccination plan. The exact timing will be determined based on availability of supplies. While we await details for how people in these groups can register and book appointments, family doctors and their teams can take steps to prepare. They include:

January 28, 2021

On Tuesday, February 2, from 7-8 p.m. PST, Dr Jeanette Boyd and Dr Tacy Monk will host a webinar to provide further information on the BC Care Bundle for supporting high-risk patients during the COVID-19 epidemic and influenza season.  Topics will include: 

January 26, 2021

A new GPSC one-time payment with a minimum of $1000 will support eligible family doctors who manage high risk patients during the current COVID-19 and influenza season.

January 12, 2021

Primary care providers, including family physicians, have played a critical role in preventing and reducing the transmission of COVID-19 in BC communities. We thank you for your continued care of British Columbians during the pandemic and support of the 2020-21 influenza immunization campaign. Your promotion of immunization services to residents in your communities are greatly appreciated.