Optimized EMR data enables doctors to identify and respond to patients’ chronic and preventative care needs, and is foundational in the transition to the patient medical home (PMH) and the creation of primary care networks (PCN). The Practice Support Program (PSP) is...
The Gabriola Community Health Centre is a true success story of a community coming together to wrap care around local patients. Gabriola Islanders banded together to identify gaps in care, build new clinic space to house doctors and other health care services, and then...
Emailed directly to BC family physicians this week, the latest issue of the GPSC’s quarterly newsletter, GP Update, is now available online. The winter 2019 issue features news on: Proactive panel management Improving care for at-risk moms Change to some GPSC fees New...
BC doctors are invited to participate in a workshop to learn about select data tools available to assist with the implementation and evaluation of patient medical homes and primary care networks. Hosted by the GPSC and the BC Primary Health Care Research Network, the...
Many doctors are using accurate panel information to inform and plan proactive patient care as part of their move towards patient medical homes. Watch the 90-second video below about how a Cowichan Valley family doctor more than doubled the number of pneumococcal vaccine...