Nurse in Practice support events

The following interactive webinars provide learning and support to guide family physicians, nurse practitioners, and primary care teams in integrating a nurse into practice. Each session is two hours long and will be scheduled weeks apart, allowing participants time to apply session learnings into practice. Participants will receive webinar registration information after attending a kick-off session.

These learning opportunities are offered in collaboration with the Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of BC (NNPBC), who are partners in enabling nurses employed through the Nurse in Practice program.

Practice teams may be eligible for additional funding and credits when participating in a quality improvement project related to the Nurse in Practice Program with FPSC’s Practice Support Program

  1. Kick-off session: Welcome to Nurse in Practice

    The Nurse in Practice kick-off sessions are hosted by Erin Lutz (FPSC), Dr Janet Evans (family physician), and Angela Wignall (NNPBC). Topics include:

    • Program Overview (what to expect as you embark on hiring an RN/LPN as part of the team, including key factors for success).
    • Opportunities to share your experience and connect with others engaging in the Nurse in Practice program.
    • Introduction and overview of available supports to successfully integrate a nurse into a primary care team.

    Listen to the TeamUp! podcast: Coaching and distributed primary care teams.

    Coming soon: Session dates and registration.

  2. Webinar registration will be provided upon completing a kick-off session.

    Webinar 1: Integrating a nurse into a primary care team

    Learning Objectives:

    • Review the core concepts of Team-Based Care, including developing a shared purpose and team goals for patient care.
    • Understand the importance of role clarity, responsibilities, and collaboration.
    • Understand the key aspects of effective teams, including fostering relationships and commitment to an inclusive and psychologically safe culture.
    • Overview of available supports and case study.
  3. Webinar 2: Processes and workflows to optimize nurse integration for team-based care 

    Learning Objectives:

    • How to use EMR panel and PAS data for proactive patient care.
    • Establish workflows for coordinated care across the team.
    • How to optimize your EMR for scheduling and patient access to care from your team.
    • Overview of available supports and case study.
  4. Webinar 3: Team communication and providing person-centred care 

    Learning Objectives: 

    • Establish communication processes with the team.
    • Identify opportunities for collaborative care planning.
    • Explore strategies for providing feedback and resolving conflicts within the team.
    • Overview of available supports and case study. 

In addition to the interactive webinars outlined above, practices can access services and support offered by the FPSC’s Practice Support Program throughout the process of expanding a practice team to include a nurse. PSP can help practice teams explore and identify opportunities to improve workflow, communication, and role clarity and optimization.