New supports for integrating a nurse into family practice

Jun 25, 2024

FPSC and partners have prepared a group of supports to help primary care clinics integrate a nurse into practice. The supports are particularly helpful for practices participating in the Ministry of Health’s Nurse in Practice Program and provide a step-by-step guide through the process.

Integrating a Nurse into Practice. Online resources including:

  • How to apply for the Nurse in Practice Program.
  • Templates for job descriptions, job postings, and interview guides. 
  • Onboarding plans and checklists.
  • Links to related episodes of the TeamUp! Podcast, a collaboration with Health Quality BC (HQBC) and the UBC Innovation Support Unit (ISU).
  • Nurse Compass. Interactive learning tool developed by HQBC and UBC ISU. Outlines scopes of practice for registered nurses (RNs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and five certified practice RNs.

Nurse in Practice support events. Interactive webinars hosted by FPSC and the Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of BC (NNPBC).

The Nurse in Practice Program supports are a collaboration between Doctors of BC, the Ministry of Health, Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of BC, Health Quality BC, and UBC Innovation Support Unit.