GPSC has a new name following ratification of the 2022 Physician Master Agreement (PMA) on December 6, 2022. The General Practice Services Committee is now the Family Practice Services Committee, or FPSC.
At its October meeting, FPSC approved expanding in-patient care bridge funding to 13 additional hospitals, bringing the total number receiving funds to 53 hospitals. The expanded eligibility recognizes the commitment of family doctors who provide a significant portion of in-patient care.
Dear colleagues, The year 2022 is certainly shaping up to be one of significant change—in many ways made possible by the passion shown by yourselves and the public.
GPSC often hears from members who want to know where GPSC funding is allocated, and how it benefits physicians. As part of our commitment to transparency, we have created a mini-workplan and budget wheel that shows expenditures for the 2021-22 fiscal year. The GPSC work plan was created with the mission of strengthening longitudinal family practice as the foundation of an integrated system of care.
Update (November 14, 2022): GPSC in-patient bridge funding approved for 13 additional hospitals Doctors of BC and the Ministry of Health are currently working on a new payment model for longitudinal primary care. As this model expands, we anticipate this will significantly impact the approach to the provision of in-hospital care by community longitudinal family physicians.